How a Community of Practice (CoP) can help teams with COVID-19 Social Distancing?

by | 18 Mar, 2020

We recently wrote an article about the benefits of setting up and running a Community of Practice [1]. It seems that given the current situation with COVID-19 and the forced social distancing, self-isolation and remote working, having platforms where you can bring teams together on different topics will become even more important over the coming weeks and months for organisations.

A Community of Practice can help firms across a number of different areas;

  1. Becoming more efficient operationally with cross functional collaborations
  2. Make better decisions with a wider range of perspectives.
  3. Deal with the rapidly changing environment and information impact business decisions.
  4. Improving the channels of communication between employees and leadership.

A CoP seems to be the perfect additional framework to help companies deal with some of the impacts from this current crisis and provide a platform for decision making and communication that can support the business during these difficult times.

At times of rapid change, increasing the channels of communications is essential to make sure the whole organisation understands what is happening internally. This is a compounded problem as many employees are working remotely and therefore will feel even more isolated and disconnected from the company and decision making.

If you don’t already have an approach for setting up and running a CoP, we are very happy to help you get started and even to help run them during this stressful period of time. We are happy to arrange a call to discuss your specific needs.

for more information or to request a no obligation meeting with us, fill in our contact us form or call us on +44 333 40 40 373


[1] Setting up. building & maintaining a Community of Practice

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